Media Release


Sanctions Decision against Blackstone Resources AG

The Sanctions Commission of SIX Group AG has rendered a decision in the proceedings against Blackstone Resources AG for breaches of IFRS accounting standards and has issued a fine. The decision of the Sanctions Commission has not entered into force yet since Blackstone Resources AG has filed an appeal against the decision.

On 2 February 2022, SIX Exchange Regulation AG (SER) informed the public about the submission of a proposal for sanctions to the Sanctions Commission of SIX Group AG (Sanctions Commission) against Blackstone Resources AG. SER’s sanctions proposal claimed that Blackstone Resources AG had incorrectly recognized the acquisition of the subsidiary South America Invest Ltd. and the resulting goodwill as well as disclosed incorrect information in connection with this acquisition in the 2019 interim IFRS financial statements and in the 2019 annual financial statements. Further alleged deficiencies refer to the consolidation of the subsidiary Troi Gobi LLC and the accounting for the sale of this subsidiary in the 2018 annual IFRS financial statements, 2019 interim IFRS financial statements and 2019 annual IFRS financial statements.

The Sanctions Commission substantially upheld the proposal for sanctions of SER concerning the alleged breaches of IFRS rules. As a result, the Sanctions Commission imposed, by decision of 22 March 2022, a fine against Blackstone Resources AG.

The decision of the Sanctions Commission has not yet entered into force because Blackstone Resources AG has filed an appeal against the decision.

Due to the market manipulation and violations of disclosure obligations meanwhile discovered at Blackstone Resources AG by FINMA according to the press release  of 12 April 2022 and because of the expected prolonged duration of appeal proceedings, the public is hereby informed by SER about the sanctions decision regardless of its legal force on the basis of Ciph. 6 para. 9 of the Rules of Procedure in order to ensure transparency.